A family law lawyer retained CPIS to determine if the partner of their client was still consuming alcohol and drugs. Upon receipt of the file, there was extensive interaction with children’s aid society and numerous unfavorable law-enforcement encounters. CPIS investigation ultimately determined that the former spouse was engaged in drug seeking behavior, child abandonment, and impaired operation of their motor vehicle.
This evidence was instrumental In assisting the judge to make an emergency custody order
A local technology firm had recently separated ways with a key marketing executive. The company was concerned that the executive was violating his non-complete clause of his departure agreement.
CPIS subsequent investigation, determined that the former employee was actively pursuing current clients of his former employee, and had indeed been actively pursuing clients even while employed with his former company.
CPIS was retain for family law matter which centered around a high net worth individual who has been asked to pay significant amounts of alimony. The client advised that he was quite sure that his former spouse was engaging in significant business activity and not reporting these Incomes.
Our investigation determined that the former spouse was engaged in significant business activities.
Our investigation resulted in an 85% reduction in the amount of alimony our client had to pay.
CPIS was engaged by a local manufacturing firm to determine if a recently injured worker was actually injured or working at a family business. CPIS performed approximate 10 days of observations and determined that the injured employee was working regular hours in a retail Family business.
The end result, resulted in the injured employee being removed from WSIB benefits and subsequently terminated for cause.
Canadian Private Investigation Services LTD.
We offer professional private investigative services to the Insurance, corporate, legal, rights holder, transportation sectors, and to the individual. Our team regularly travels throughout North America to carry out their work. The scope of our investigations include high-tech surveillance, national background checks, corporate and insurance investigations, family law, commercial auto theft, and WSIB investigations. We count many high profile companies and individuals as our clients.